1. Add the process manager,
available from the active process
Add networking programs in black and white lists
2. optimization of interface,
program list can be seen in the
program's icon, control location and
color fine-tuning
3. Add Easter egg feature Friends are on is not installed, the
original network
Defender uninstall, then reinstall the
Jinshan phone network what is
Jinshan mobile network is guardian of pteromalidae in mobile
application Studio launched a
Symbian S60
Mobile phone network management
software, similar to computer
Jinshan network Blaster. It can help you monitor and Commission
Considering its own mobile network
traffic, automatic
Prohibition and allows you to
specify a program to access the
network, Or you can selectively prevent
certain network access points to
access the network, meanwhile, to
meet the
Commission comes with browser,
and simple website Filter function. Through it, you can
access the network
Collateral programs at a glance
through it, you can
On his mobile phone details