Don ’t understand that conversation is already finished? Don’t know the right moment to say Hello?
TactileCalls will give you a vibrosignal at the beginning and in the end of your conversation.
A signal can also be given 5 seconds before another minute of your conversation is over.
Several variants of vibrosignals. Feel sure! It’s easy. It’s handy.
Main application window looks like this
Monitoring calls. This option allows you to activate application work or turn it off completely.
Outgoing calls signals. If this option set to “Yes”, then the application will react on the outgoing calls.
Incoming calls signals. If this option set to “No”, then the application will react on the incoming calls.
After that we have signals settings. The application can give signals:
Start conversation. You will immediately understand that call has started and you can greet your interlocutor.
End conversation. You will immediately understand that person with who you were talking had finished the call. So you would not talk in the void anymore.
Every 55 seconds. Before the 5 seconds of next call minute expire, this option can be useful e.g. if someone has the by-the-minute calls tariff and he has to control the approaching end of the current minute (it is not profitable to end the call after the 10 seconds after it’s start because the whole minute was already paid).
You can assign one of the signals options for each of these events
No signal
One short signal
One middle signal
One long signal
Two short signals
Two middle signals
Two long signals