Developer: Beijing AnGuanJiaTechnology Co., Ltd.
Language: English (translated Shankru)Compatibility: s60v3; s60v5; S ^ 3^4^5
Released: 06/12/2011[/b]
The application obontains a largeset of functions and settings canwork for a given profile to trafficstatistics, has built firewall and many other equally useful functions and features.
* Create a black and white lists to manage incoming calls and messages
* Work on schedule with the ability to create custom profiles
* Cleaning your phone from dust andunnecessary files
* Scanning and finding systemmalicious files and sis/sisx packages
* Monitoring of network programs lockable access
* Displays the mini Traffic flow on top
* Protect your phone against theft with the possibility of sending an SMS tospecified number prismene SIM-cards
* Manage active tasks and processes, and much more ...
Update Privacy Center password retrieve function
2.optimize the residual file clean-up function
3." Microblogging to share send calls " activities carried out in the hot