facinate is a facebook client for Nokia phones. Yeah, we know there are plenty already but we think facinate is really unique and here’s why:
*. Free! Seriously - no trial versions, no limited functionality – just free. Now and forever ever!
*. We thought it really wouldn’t be fair if we left anybody out so you can use facinate with the legendary Nokia 5800 or on the hippest Nokia 700.Nobody is left out!
*. facinate has a really unique user experience aspages are not only scrollable vertically but also horizontally swipable. It’s so sweet, fast and useful that you’dwish all apps had such navigation in.
*. CHAT. srsly? y, 24 / 7. omg,so kewl. c u there.
*. Home screen – and a really good looking one!
*. Notifications on your home screen! Important stuff, like your friend’s birthday or notifications should get extra visibility.
With facinate you’ll never miss out on anything even if you don’t have the app running in the background!
And of course, you can also update your status, upload photos, create albums, browse newsfeed, search, comment, like, checkin, events and what not. Check it out
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